
Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Beta Update 10/19/10

Before I get into the update I wanted to post a quick update on donations
Since our last blog update with donations the total was $856.49
Donation from KW $40 (1.46)

Total Current donation total is $895.03


Its with an extremely heavy heart that I post an update on our Beta (pregnancy bloodtest) For the last week we have seen negative pregnancy tests. I have become what I lovingly call a POAS-aholic. I wanted to take a test every time I had to go just hoping and praying that there would be some good news there. It was very sad and dissapointing to see negatives time after time. But I still held out hope that we had a "late implanter" and that we would still get our positive. The Kents DESERVE some good news. On beta day I just couldn't bring myself to take a pregnancy test at home....so I went to the appt and had my blood drawn and waited for the call. And sadly it was negative. So I was told to stop all injections and wait for my period to come.

I am so very sad for the Kent family. I really hoped after all this heartache that this was going to be a break for them finally! Why do good people have to go through such heartache.....

We don't know where we will go from here...There are no frozen embryos left to transfer. So the decision if we can try to retrieve more eggs or what we can do next will be a decision between the Dr and Maria. I've already told Maria I am here as long as they need me and am ready to try again when they are. Their family has a very special place in my heart and it just breaks knowing the heartbreak they have had.

My hubby, my kids and myself were lucky enough to spend some time with Maria, Hailey and Ryan this last weekend at the pumpkin patch. We managed to get a picture of Hailey and I. Camera wasn't taking very good pictures in the Pumpkin patch lighting and I used most of my battery taking video of the kids on this bungee jump thing otherwise I'd have more pictures. So I'll leave you with this one. Please send thoughts and prayers to the Kent family.

Sunday, October 10, 2010


Its only been 2 days... But here I am :) Last day of bedrest. I've caught up on lots of shows. Taken more naps in a day than I have I think in my life and had lots of yummy food thanks to all the great people who bought/brought us meals!! My belly is full of lots of good food and hopefully a nice growing little bean or two. I'm starting to overanalyze all my symptoms if and what they are and what they mean. So I'm glad there is stuff to be done in the next few days to pass the time. I hope that this week brings great news for the Kent Family!! We have 8 more days til our Beta test so please pray for the Kent family and the little embryos in my belly. I hope they are resting comfortably in there.

So I guess this is just a rambling post...just passing the time...

Thank you for all the thoughts and prayers....Please keep em coming!!


Friday, October 8, 2010


Last night with a very nervous stomach I prayed and prayed that there would be some good news today. We learned that they thawed the 16 frozen embryos this week and that 10 made it to thaw but only 9 of those were up for being sent to testing. So this morning we headed to the drs for transfer after hearing we had 2 matches!! When we got to the office (bare with me I've still got some valium in me so I'm alittle off) :) we found out the 2 we had to transfer were, 1 grade A 8 cell embryo and 1 grade B 6 cell embryo. I am still fuzzy on this part but I believe one was a morula and one was a blast....I'll have to check with Maria later.

So now we need these embies to STICK!!!!! So prayers, sticky vibes whatever you got well appreciate it!!! Beta is scheduled for 10/18. Hopefully we'll have some great news for the Kent family!!!!

But for now I'm resting comfortably with lots of shows to watch, sleep to be had and texts to respond to :) Big thank you to my brother for helping with school pick up today! And my hubby and kids for putting up with me and being awesome letting me rest and waiting on me hand and foot. My friends/family for all the thoughts/prayers and offers of help!! And especially Maria and the Kent family... for letting me be a part of this and letting me try to help you! I hope I have some great news for you soon!!! xoxoxo

I may have to come back to add more info as I remember...when I'm not so fuzzy :)