
Friday, August 27, 2010

Update 8/27/10

Most of you reading have read updates on SMO or probably have heard from Maria or myself as to what happened transfer day.

I'm sad to say we were unable to transfer Wednesday. There was 1 match to Hailey in the 12 that were sent and according to the dr, that embryo was not a good quality and was not looking good. There was 1 that was a partial match but we are unsure of exactly how partial. We did not want to transfer an embryo that would not benefit Hailey. That would basically defeat the purpose of trying to find Hailey a match. So they are freezing the embryo that was a partial until the drs can figure out if that partial would be benefically to Hailey. I was taken off the meds and for now we are waiting for my period to return. Once it does we will take it from there.

The Kents have 15 frozen embryos from an egg retrieval Maria had earlier this year. So once my period comes and we begin the process and they will be planning to thaw those 15 embryos. Depending on how many make it after the thaw, we will try and see if there is a match in there for Hailey.

I am really sad to see the Kent Family disappointed again. I can't imagine how they feel. I really hope and pray there are matches in the frozen embryos. So I am staying positive that there will be something for us in those embies.

The Kent Family holds a very special place in my heart as well as my families and we are here to do whatever it takes to help them get Hailey her match!

Just a small update on the donations...

Previous balance from last blog update $200.75

BR-$10 (.59)

Current total minus paypal fees $210.16

Thank you for your support! If anyone has an idea for fund raising to help the Kent Family please let me know. Hope you all have a great weekend!

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